The art of representing forms and figures on a surface by means of lines executed by hand or
computer (digital) generated processes.
- Only one (1) project can be submitted.
- The national office will provide easels.
- The contestant is required to make an oral presentation, which will not exceed three (3) minutes, explaining the methods or techniques used in developing the project. Mounting and matting is preferred.
- The submission should be no larger than 36 inches by 48 inches. Framing is optional.
- The oral presentation must not exceed three (3) minutes.
- Gold medalists advancing to the national competition level will be required to submit
images of their entries via mail.
NOTE: The deadline for submission of national registration documents is May 15, 2020.. No materials or copies will be accepted after that time or at the National Competition.
Contestants will be judged by the following criteria:
- Composition (20)
- Line/Form (20)
- Presentation (20)
- Technique/Craftsmanship (20)
- Theme (20)
** A portion reprinted with permission from the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers**